*ACTIVE* [LEADERBOARD] 3 Leaderboards | Countries of the top 140 AP Hunters + More! (Updated every month) Last updated for the month of May (2024)


This thread will contain THREE leaderboards.
The FIRST one will be showing the countries of the top 110 AP Hunters.
The SECOND one will be showing the amount of times each country appears on the previous leaderboard, ranked from most to least.
The THIRD one will be showing which guild has the most achievement hunters in the top 110, once again ranked from most to least.


First leaderboard:

#1 Russia ([MVP++] anrie - Quote) - 27.985 AP

Second leaderboard:



Third leaderboard:

#1 *NAME OF GUILD* : 23
#2 *NAME OF GUILD* : 15


Information about me:

France |[MVP++] Uleb3 [✌LG❤] - 20.930 AP (#105)






This thread was made for informative purposes only.
If a player's country is unknown, it will be marked by: "???" .
If you wish your IGN to be removed from this thread, please let me know by privately messaging me.
If a player is in the Guild "Quote", the guild tag will be replaced by the name.

-NameMC: Countries
-Linked social media accounts: Countries
-@LitPhoenix 's "Top AP Hunters by country" thread. (Go check it out, amazing thread as well): Countries
-Plancke.io Achievement Points Leaderboard: First Leaderboard
-Notifly.zone Achievement Points Leaderboard: First Leaderboard


First Leaderboard:

#1 Russia ([MVP++] anrie - Quote) - 27.985 AP
#2 Serbia ([MVP
++] Nemqnja [BLOOD]) - 27.935 AP
#3 Croatia ([MVP++] anrieee - Quote) - 26.490 AP
#4 Germany (
[MVP++] Nightman976 [BLOOD]) - 26.460 AP
#5 Norway (
[MVP++] Chevio [BLOOD]) - 26.110 AP
#6 Germany (
[MVP++] Dexyz [BLOOD]) - 26.100 AP
#7 United Kingdom (
[MVP+] greaneye [ΘREBLΘ]) - 25.765 AP
#8 Australia (
[MVP+] TotalDramaIsland - Quote) - 25.740 AP
#9 USA (
[MVP++] oJakey - Quote) - 25.715 AP
#10 Canada (
[MVP++] enderdrxgon [NR]) - 25.700 AP
#11 Spain (
[MVP+] aphunterview) - 25.615 AP
#12 United Kingdom (
[MVP++] XandaPandaMC [SKY]) - 25.425 AP
#13 France ([MVP] ErtrycheZ [MUDDY]) - 25.260 AP

#14 USA ([MVP+] Rcnnie - Quote) - 25.260 AP
#15 United Kingdom ([MVP+] NexoWolf [BLOOD]) - 25.065 AP
#16 United Kingdom (
[MVP++] Evdia - Quote) - 24.725 AP
#17 The Netherlands (
[MVP++] SvenTerror) - 24.670 AP
#18 USA (
[MVP+] Cabbiss - Quote) - 24.485 AP
#19 France (
[MVP+] Thomas1665 [F]) - 24.470 AP
#20 France (
[MVP++] horri - Quote) - 24.265 AP
#21 USA (
[MVP+] SprinterAustin [ΘREBLΘ]) - 24.110 AP
#22 USA (
[MVP+] JurassicBox - Quote) - 23.920 AP
#23 South Korea ([MVP++] Gempkin [BLOOD]) - 23.905 AP
#24 Serbia (
[MVP+] Misqu - Quote) - 23.770 AP
#25 USA ([MVP+] recordheat [✿THORN✿]) - 23.755 AP
#26 USA (
[MVP++] Pocketing- Quote) - 23.690 AP
#27 ??? ([MVP+] Ethan15243) - 23.665 AP
#28 USA (
[MVP++] Sharsherah [DEMON]) - 23.600 AP
#29 Hungary
([MVP++] MustiClaus [BLOOD]) - 23.570 AP
#30 Finland ([MVP++] MineElzu60 [INFAMY]) - 23.565 AP
#31 ??? (
[MVP++] Physiological - Quote) - 23.500 AP
#32 Argentina (
[MVP+] Sayapi) - 23.380 AP
#33 France (
[MVP+] xPeyo [BLOOD]) - 23.310 AP
#34 The Netherlands (
[MVP+] renneke [DANDEE]) - 23.285 AP
#35 Croatia (
[MVP+] Craftian9 [ΘREBLΘ]) - 23.275 AP
#36 ??? (
[MVP++] baseballaholic - Quote) - 23.205 AP
#37 The Netherlands (
[MVP++] Timkoensurvival [THREAT]) - 23.185 AP
#38 Denmark (
[MVP++] tobias49 [ΘREBLΘ]) - 23.145 AP
#39 Brazil (
[MVP+] OGodlyEnder [ΘREBLΘ]) - 23.120 AP
#40 Israel (
[MVP+] alonmario1) - 23.065 AP
#41 Ecuador (
[MVP++] Saturno [LORDS]) - 23.045 AP
#42 Czech Republic (
[MVP++] koprr [MUTED]) - 23.030 AP
#43 Finland (
[MVP+] Niko702) - 23.010 AP
#44 Israel (
[MVP+] TinyRex [MAFIA]) - 23.000 AP
#45 ??? (
[MVP+] ohJoshProGamer21 [BLOOD]) - 22.955 AP
#46 Canada (
[MVP+] Songgg [ΘREBLΘ]) - 22.915 AP
#47 USA (
[MVP++] Weaselify [TUG0]) - 22.890 AP
#48 Israel (
[MVP+] camillaisurday [BLOOD]) - 22.785 AP
#49 ??? ([MVP+] nrteu) - 22.785 AP

#50 Russia ([MVP++] Morozhenka [SHLEP]) - 22.755 AP
#51 Chile ([MVP++] OhKoalaSimp [MEUC06]) - 22.590 AP
#52 The Netherlands (
[MVP++] Ownerd [IYN]) - 22.590 AP
#53 Ukraine (
[MVP+] Kawaiinex [KNIGHT]) - 22.515 AP
#54 Canada
([MVP++] DetectiveAndrew [F]) - 22.490 AP

#55 Argentina ([MVP+] Nirk [LORDS]) - 22.465 AP
#56 France (
[MVP+] Posey [✌LG❤]) - 22.425 AP
#57 ??? ([MVP+] LoonNick - Quote) - 22.330 AP
#58 Hong Kong (
[MVP+] gexp [KNIGHT]) - 22.330 AP
#59 Ireland ([MVP+] Kilster - Quote) - 22.305 AP
#60 Canada (
[MVP+] Crooder) - 22.230 AP
#61 Moldova (
[MVP+] Taisaka) - 22.165 AP
#62 Greece (
[MVP++] Thrilly [MUDDY]) - 22.130 AP
#63 United Kingdom ([MVP++] xRyann_ [ΘREBLΘ]) - 22.110 AP
#64 USA (
[MVP++] Delirios [BLOOD]) - 22.045 AP
#65 Israel (
[MVP+] gigert [ΘREBLΘ]) - 22.030 AP
#66 Russia (
[MVP++] St1ller - Quote) - 22.000 AP
#67 ??? ([MVP++] Hacks [41]) - 21.955 AP
#68 United Kingdom (
[MVP+] Weeknd [BLOOD]) - 21.935 AP
#69 Sweden (
[MVP++] Meloby [BLUCRU]) - 21.880 AP
#70 USA (
[MVP++] Respawnless [BLOOD]) - 21.860 AP
#71 ??? (
[MVP+] Khqled [TRS]) - 21.855 AP
#72 Portugal (
[MVP++] Seymour4444 [ΘREBLΘ]) - 21.785 AP
#73 Chile (
[MVP++] xBxnny [F]) - 21.770 AP
#74 Australia (
[MVP++] Judging - Quote) - 21.720 AP
#75 USA (
[MVP++] C4PS - Quote) - 21.665 AP
#76 Israel (
[MVP+] Kickuxer) - 21.645 AP
#77 The Netherlands (
[MVP++] JohnDyrh [ΘREBLΘ]) - 21.615 AP
#78 Japan (
[MVP+] CowKou [P2W]) - 21.585 AP
#79 USA (
[MVP++] tyelur [DEMON]) - 21.570 AP
#80 Hong Kong (
[MVP+] poaster [BLOOD]) - 21.570 AP
#81 Hong Kong ([MVP+] inerdd [JL]) - 21.570 AP
#82 The Netherlands ([MVP+] Paskwal [BLOOD]) - 21.565 AP
#83 United Kingdom ([MVP++] NO1MONTHLYRECORD [ΘREBLΘ]) - 21.550 AP
#84 Belgium ([MVP+] darksilent [HYPEW]) - 21.545 AP
#85 Luxembourg ([MVP+] G1ovanni [HYPEW]) - 21.485 AP
#86 USA ([MVP++] J2J [F]) - 21.455 AP
#87 France ([MVP+] ZekyFraise [✌LG❤]) - 21.415 AP
#88 Hong Kong ([MVP++] 0hFluffie [✧TRY✧]) - 21.410 AP
#89 Croatia ([MVP+] noobay [AI]) - 21.370 AP
#90 USA ([MVP++] Dragons - Quote) - 21.345 AP
#91 Bosnia and Herzegovina ([MVP+] SpaceDano [ARTIST]) - 21.310 AP
#92 The Netherlands ([MVP++] TheFifth - Quote) - 21.305 AP
#93 Denmark ([MVP+] Valdey [KNIGHT]) - 21.295 AP
#94 ??? ([MVP+] puffleman3 [MINI]) - 21.280 AP
#95 ??? ([MVP+] Egomaster [BLOOD]) - 21.245 AP
#96 USA ([MVP++] animethighs68 - Quote) - 21.230 AP
#97 ??? ([MVP+] hjx [DEMON]) - 21.180 AP
#98 USA ([MVP++] VancouverTitans [JEREMY]) - 21.130 AP
#99 Sweden ([MVP+] hentor5 [F]) - 21.105 AP
#100 Canada ([MVP+] sydneybrooke [LOVPOF]) - 21.105 AP
#101 USA (
[MVP++] oCyph) - 21.080 AP
#102 ??? (
[MVP+] avaaidan - Quote) - 21.080 AP
#103 Slovakia (
[MVP++] nevqr [HEINZ]) - 21.060 AP
#104 Argentina (
[MVP++] Iaan [BLOOD]) - 21.030 AP
#105 France (
[MVP++] Uleb3 [✌LG❤]) - 20.930 AP
#106 ??? (
[MVP+] Brendooo [F]) - 20.915 AP
#107 United Kingdom (
[MVP+] aamelia [BLOOD]) - 20.900 AP
#108 Canada ([MVP+] 5beveRidesBikes [ΘREBLΘ]) - 20.875 AP
#109 Hong Kong (
[MVP+] JunoIsSolo [JL]) - 20.845 AP
#110 Poland (
[MVP+] huntz [BIGNUTS]) - 20.835 AP

Second Leaderboard:

#1 USA: 18 Players
#2 United Kingdom: 8 Players
#3 France: 7 Players

#3 The Netherlands: 7 Players
#4 Canada: 6 Players
#5 Israel: 5 Players
#5 Hong Kong: 5 Players
#6 Russia: 3 Players
#6 Croatia: 3 Players
#6 Argentina: 3 Players
#7 Serbia: 2 Players
#7 Germany: 2 Players
#7 Australia: 2 Players
#7 Finland: 2 Players
#7 Denmark: 2 Players
#7 Chile: 2 Players
#7 Sweden: 2 Players
#8 Norway: 1 Player
#8 Spain: 1 Player
#8 South Korea: 1 Player
#8 Hungary: 1 Player
#8 Brazil: 1 Player
#8 Ecuador: 1 Player
#8 Czech Republic: 1 Player
#8 Ukraine: 1 Player
#8 Ireland: 1 Player
#8 Moldova: 1 Player
#8 Greece: 1 Player
#8 Portugal: 1 Player
#8 Japan: 1 Player
#8 Belgium: 1 Player
#8 Luxembourg: 1 Player
#8 Bosnia and Herzegovina: 1 Player
#8 Slovakia: 1 Player
#8 Poland: 1 Player
???: 13Players (Ethan15243, Physiological, baseballaholic, ohJoshProGamer21, nrteu, LoonNick, Hacks, Khqled, puffleman3, Egomaster, hjx, avaaidan, Brendooo)

Total Number of Unique Countries: 35 Countries.

Third Leaderboard:

#1 Quote: 22 Players (Unable to put guild tag because of Quote feature on the forums)
#2 The Bloodlust [BLOOD]: 18 Players
#3 Rebel [ΘREBLΘ]: 12 Players
#4 The Foundation [F]: 6 Players
#5 The Demonic [DEMON]: 3 Players
#5 Hypixel Knights [KNIGHT]: 3 Players
#5 Les Gaulois [✌LG❤]: 3 Players
#6 Muddy Misery [MUDDY]: 2 Players
#6 DreamLords [LORDS]: 2 Players
#6 JustLeader [JL]: 2 Players
#6 HypeW [HYPEW]: 2 Players
#7 Nuclear Restaurant [NR]: 1 Player
#7 SKYsSquad [SKY]: 1 Player
#7 thorn v2 [✿THORN✿]: 1 Player
#7 Infamy [INFAMY]: 1 Player
#7 oeoe [DANDEE]: 1 Player
#7 Samaritan [THREAT]: 1 Player
#7 Frenchcore [MUTED]: 1 Player
#7 mwmafia [MAFIA]: 1 Player
#7 TUG0 [TUG0]: 1 Player
#7 Shlepki [SHLEP]: 1 Player
#7 Maxi Urbano [MEUC06]: 1 Player
#7 The Illumination [IYN]: 1 Player
#7 CHILL BLITZ [41]: 1 Player
#7 Blue Crew [BLUCRU]: 1 Player
#7 The TRS [TRS]: 1 Player
#7 Cat [P2W]: 1 Player
#7 Try [✧TRY✧]: 1 Player
#7 Blitz AI [AI]: 1 Player
#7 Artist [ARTIST]: 1 Player
#7 Miniature [MINI]: 1 Player
#7 Jeremy Rock [JEREMY]: 1 Player
#7 Harmony [LOVPOF]: 1 Player
#7 Gremlins Of Heinz [HEINZ]: 1 Player
#7 oops [BIGNUTS]: 1 Player
#7 wejfbwqjhenasfbckwej: 1 Player
#7 Anti Achievement Hunter Society: 1 Player

Guildless: 9 Players (aphunterview, SvenTerror, Sayapi, alonmario1, Niko702, nrteu, Crooder, Kickuxer, oCyph)

Total Number of Unique Guilds: 38 Guilds.

Unique Hex Codes used:
Dark Green (+ color and guild tag): #006400

Dark Blue (+ color): #00008B
Dark Cyan (+ color and guild tag): #008B8B
Dark Pink (+ color): #E75480

Blue (+ color): #0066CC
Bright Purple (+ color): #BF40BF
Bronze (#3 spots on leaderboards): #CD7F32


Created on:
4/1/2022 [DD/MM/YYYY]
1/4/2022 [MM/DD/YYYY]

Last Updated:
4/1/2022 [DD/MM/YYYY]
1/4/2022 [MM/DD/YYYY]


Edit 1: Unfortunately contains an unfixable color bug!

*ACTIVE* [LEADERBOARD] 3 Leaderboards | Countries of the top 140 AP Hunters + More! (Updated every month) Last updated for the month of May (2024)
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Author: Terence Hammes MD

Last Updated:

Views: 5763

Rating: 4.9 / 5 (69 voted)

Reviews: 92% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Terence Hammes MD

Birthday: 1992-04-11

Address: Suite 408 9446 Mercy Mews, West Roxie, CT 04904

Phone: +50312511349175

Job: Product Consulting Liaison

Hobby: Jogging, Motor sports, Nordic skating, Jigsaw puzzles, Bird watching, Nordic skating, Sculpting

Introduction: My name is Terence Hammes MD, I am a inexpensive, energetic, jolly, faithful, cheerful, proud, rich person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.