Clicker Heroes - Page 39 (2024)

  1. 2017-03-03,12:43 AM#761

    Fluffy KittenClicker Heroes - Page 39 (28)

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    Ugh. My second transcendence. Even getting lucky with a quick ascension and getting Solomon and Siyalatas, this is really slow-going. I got two auto-clickers, but I think level 1 Siyalatas is better. I imagine there isn't really any suggestions to make it better other than just waiting it out, but ugh.

    Clicker Heroes - Page 39 (30)

  2. 2017-03-03,02:09 AM#762

    Did you save some gold missions like I suggested in my previous post? Aside from that, no, I don't think you'll be able to speed it up more without burning Rubies (either on more quick ascensions, or random gilds which may or may not help you).
  3. 2017-03-03,02:40 AM#763

    Fluffy KittenClicker Heroes - Page 39 (45)

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    Clicker Heroes - Page 39 (47) Originally Posted by ShaiandraClicker Heroes - Page 39 (48)

    Did you save some gold missions like I suggested in my previous post? Aside from that, no, I don't think you'll be able to speed it up more without burning Rubies (either on more quick ascensions, or random gilds which may or may not help you).

    No, my dumbass had long-running ascension missions going. I was saving up for a quick ascension before I transcended. Now I gotta wait for these missions to end and then start some gold ones.

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  4. 2017-03-03,03:43 AM#764

    MechagnomeClicker Heroes - Page 39 (56)

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    Longer missions have higher chances to kill your mercenary. It's a fixed percent chance. I avoid missions that are longer than 4 hours wherever possible.
  5. 2017-03-03,08:26 AM#765

    Fluffy KittenClicker Heroes - Page 39 (64)

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    Got around 55 souls getting the level 100 and 110 primal bosses, so the next round is significantly easier either way.

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  6. 2017-03-03,12:34 PM#766

    TitanClicker Heroes - Page 39 (73)

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    Beyond the 1% barrier.

    Clicker Heroes - Page 39 (75) Originally Posted by AndyF1069Clicker Heroes - Page 39 (76)

    Longer missions have higher chances to kill your mercenary. It's a fixed percent chance. I avoid missions that are longer than 4 hours wherever possible.

    I never understand what factors into killing off your mercs. Sometimes I get them up to Demigod +, sometimes they die on the very first mission...

    Is it a mission length thing, a Merc thing, or just bad luck?

    Check out the blog I write for LEGENDARY Indie Label Flicknife Records:

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  7. 2017-03-03,03:34 PM#767

    The InsaneClicker Heroes - Page 39 (83)

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    Wtf is the point of Siyatas, the ancient of idle DPS bonus? After level like 2, isn't it a waste of time? Because if I spend Hero Souls leveling it, then the Hero Soul damage goes lower. If I don't spend hero souls on it, I get +10% Damage per Hero Soul.

    Clicker Heroes - Page 39 (85)

  8. 2017-03-03,04:07 PM#768

    TitanClicker Heroes - Page 39 (92)

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    Beyond the 1% barrier.

    Clicker Heroes - Page 39 (94) Originally Posted by BlueobeliskClicker Heroes - Page 39 (95)

    Wtf is the point of Siyatas, the ancient of idle DPS bonus? After level like 2, isn't it a waste of time? Because if I spend Hero Souls leveling it, then the Hero Soul damage goes lower. If I don't spend hero souls on it, I get +10% Damage per Hero Soul.

    Once you've leveled it a bit, the benefits become INSANE. Especially when combined with the Outsiders, which increase the effectiveness of idle ancients by a large %.

    I mean, right now my outsider increases the effects of Siya by 3000%. Sure, you lose hero souls for leveling it, but it's almost always a Dps increase.

    Check out the blog I write for LEGENDARY Indie Label Flicknife Records:

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  9. 2017-03-03,04:12 PM#769

    Clicker Heroes - Page 39 (104) Originally Posted by GallahaddClicker Heroes - Page 39 (105)

    I never understand what factors into killing off your mercs. Sometimes I get them up to Demigod +, sometimes they die on the very first mission...

    Is it a mission length thing, a Merc thing, or just bad luck?

    It is just random, nothing you can do to influence it. I think they standardized it so that mission length doesn't exactly matter anymore; that is, sending a mercenary on four 2-hour missions or one 8-hour mission (such that they're out for 8 hours) will have the same chance of death overall. A single 2-hour mission of course will be less likely to kill than one 8-hour mission, but that's not the real comparison.

    Clicker Heroes - Page 39 (106) Originally Posted by BlueobeliskClicker Heroes - Page 39 (107)

    Wtf is the point of Siyatas, the ancient of idle DPS bonus? After level like 2, isn't it a waste of time? Because if I spend Hero Souls leveling it, then the Hero Soul damage goes lower. If I don't spend hero souls on it, I get +10% Damage per Hero Soul.

    Unless otherwise specified (like in the case of Morgulis), all different sources of damage modifiers are multiplicative.

    Let's say you have 100 Hero Souls (+1000% damage, or 11.00x normal damage), and Lv 2 Siyalatas, who if I'm not mistaken grants 15% damage per level (so +30% damage, or 1.3x damage).

    Your total damage multiplier is
    100 HS, 30% Siya = 11.00 x 1.30 = 14.30
    Say you spend 2 souls on the next level of Siyalatas:
    98 HS, 45% Siya = 10.80 * 1.45 = 15.66
    3 more souls on the next level:
    95 HS, 60% Siya = 10.50 * 1.6 = 16.8
    4 more souls:
    91 HS, 75% Siya = 10.10 * 1.75 = 17.675

    See where this is going? If you go too far then there is a point where you are losing DPS, but as a whole, you always want to keep everything rather balanced. This applies to pretty much all Ancients that provide passive bonuses; you want a healthy balance between keeping Hero Souls and leveling Ancients, and you pretty much want to keep all similarly-costed Ancients at around the same level, such as Argaiv, Siyalatas, Libertas, and Mammon for passive bonuses. Maybe Mimzee too if you have a decent level in Dora. You're best off compounding all these multipliers together rather than focusing on one.

  10. 2017-03-03,06:33 PM#770

    MechagnomeClicker Heroes - Page 39 (114)

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    Clicker Heroes - Page 39 (116) Originally Posted by GallahaddClicker Heroes - Page 39 (117)

    I never understand what factors into killing off your mercs. Sometimes I get them up to Demigod +, sometimes they die on the very first mission...

    Is it a mission length thing, a Merc thing, or just bad luck?

    The only thing that has an effect on your mercenary is quality and level. The higher the quality, the higher the bonus rewards from missions (5%-20%) and the higher the level the higher the rewards you get. It's in your best interests to keep your mercs alive as long as possible. As explained by Shaiandra, it is entirely down to chance if you will survive a long mission or not. Mercs come with a default set of life span, which you are much more likely to pass during a long mission than a short mission. There is nothing you can do to influence the lifespan, but you're less likely to die on 100 5 minute quests than you are on 1 24 hour quest. If you die on the 24 hour quest, you get no rewards. If you die on the 67th 5 minute quest, you've still gotten 66 rewards.

    I tend to focus on 5 minute missions by default because of achievements. If I ignore length then my priority is gold > hero souls > Rubies. The reason for this is that gold is needed to progress here and now. I've progressed so far with transcendancy that I'm getting hundreds of billions of hero souls per ascension (which is usually a couple of days). Hero souls have a higher priority than rubies because you will always get a reward, whereas rubies have a percent chance to fail in some cases. However if I have a high level mercenary and I get a mission that will offer me 6 rubies in 4 hours (with a % chance of bonus rubies) then I will pick that over hero souls.

  11. 2017-03-03,07:48 PM#771

    While on the subject, shorter missions actually have the better reward:time ratio too, oddly. A one-hour mission for Hero Souls will provide more than half what a two-hour mission for Hero Souls would give, for example. And twelve 5-minute Hero Soul missions would give more HS than the one-hour one. I feel that's kinda strange.

    But well, there are times when longer missions are worth taking (such as if you won't be playing the game for a while, or if the only short ones available have lousy rewards like 10% chance of a skill activation), so I guess adding more incentive to shorter ones makes both have their place.

  12. 2017-03-04,02:26 AM#772

    The InsaneClicker Heroes - Page 39 (132)

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    Clicker Heroes - Page 39 (134) Originally Posted by ShaiandraClicker Heroes - Page 39 (135)

    Unless otherwise specified (like in the case of Morgulis), all different sources of damage modifiers are multiplicative.

    Let's say you have 100 Hero Souls (+1000% damage, or 11.00x normal damage), and Lv 2 Siyalatas, who if I'm not mistaken grants 15% damage per level (so +30% damage, or 1.3x damage).

    Your total damage multiplier is
    100 HS, 30% Siya = 11.00 x 1.30 = 14.30
    Say you spend 2 souls on the next level of Siyalatas:
    98 HS, 45% Siya = 10.80 * 1.45 = 15.66
    3 more souls on the next level:
    95 HS, 60% Siya = 10.50 * 1.6 = 16.8
    4 more souls:
    91 HS, 75% Siya = 10.10 * 1.75 = 17.675

    See where this is going? If you go too far then there is a point where you are losing DPS, but as a whole, you always want to keep everything rather balanced. This applies to pretty much all Ancients that provide passive bonuses; you want a healthy balance between keeping Hero Souls and leveling Ancients, and you pretty much want to keep all similarly-costed Ancients at around the same level, such as Argaiv, Siyalatas, Libertas, and Mammon for passive bonuses. Maybe Mimzee too if you have a decent level in Dora. You're best off compounding all these multipliers together rather than focusing on one.

    Holy sh*t you just schooled me. Thanks for the useful info.

    I made a simple calculator website thing to calculate if it's better to level Siya or just sit on the Hero Souls, based on what you said. Thanks!

    Link to it for anyone interested. It's not really meant to be polished. Just a quick check.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Hmmmm I thought Siya was 25% DPS increase each level. It seems not...I'll have to amend the calculator to ask what the % increase for the level would be now. Seems annoying though...I already closed Visual Studio...

    - - - Updated - - -

    Sorry for being noob but I just hit level 300 today guys. (Area 300.) mercenaries did work and I got all the way up to Area 370 on the same run...Like, they did REAL work bringing daddy home some gold + I moved Gilds around to the early heroes.

    Should I transcend now, since you guys are having regrets about waiting too long and losing a lot, or should I wait a bit? Cause you lose everything when you transcend...But these outsiders look very cosmic and mystical :O.

    But they look f*cking worthless. Besides the idle DPS one. I can transcend for +15 but it doesn't seem useful at all.

    Clicker Heroes - Page 39 (136)

  13. 2017-03-04,02:49 AM#773

    Fluffy KittenClicker Heroes - Page 39 (143)

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    Clicker Heroes - Page 39 (145) Originally Posted by BlueobeliskClicker Heroes - Page 39 (146)

    Holy sh*t you just schooled me. Thanks for the useful info.

    I made a simple calculator website thing to calculate if it's better to level Siya or just sit on the Hero Souls, based on what you said. Thanks!

    Link to it for anyone interested. It's not really meant to be polished. Just a quick check.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Hmmmm I thought Siya was 25% DPS increase each level. It seems not...I'll have to amend the calculator to ask what the % increase for the level would be now. Seems annoying though...I already closed Visual Studio...

    - - - Updated - - -

    Sorry for being noob but I just hit level 300 today guys. (Area 300.) mercenaries did work and I got all the way up to Area 370 on the same run...Like, they did REAL work bringing daddy home some gold + I moved Gilds around to the early heroes.

    Should I transcend now, since you guys are having regrets about waiting too long and losing a lot, or should I wait a bit? Cause you lose everything when you transcend...But these outsiders look very cosmic and mystical :O.

    But they look f*cking worthless. Besides the idle DPS one. I can transcend for +15 but it doesn't seem useful at all.

    I'm confused you can get 15 ancient souls if you only just made it to level 370. Ancient souls you get when you transcend are based on how many regular souls you give up, and just getting to 9 ancient souls requires millions of souls given up. Maybe it continues to go up based on the total you've gotten, not just since that transcend?

    The two early heroes you want to put all your gilds in are Treebeast and Samurai. For whatever reason, the way the game is designed, their dps goes up super fast compared to everyone else at later levels. Buff them and level them up once you get to Frostleaf and Grant. Once they get to level 1000, you'll see a significant difference.

    I'm not sure when you want to transcend. I did it to get 9 more ancient souls, because it seemed like my progression was slowing down to being boring. As far as the outsiders themselves, there was a google doc somewhere that gave some insight into what to put where. From what I remember, around 10 points in Xyliquil (idle bonus), one point in Phandoryss (transcendent power bonus), a sh*tton of points in Ponyboy for more souls, and a bit in Chor'gorloth to reduce ancient costs.

    Last edited by Pendulous; 2017-03-04 at 02:51 AM.

    Clicker Heroes - Page 39 (147)

  14. 2017-03-04,03:10 AM#774

    The InsaneClicker Heroes - Page 39 (154)

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    Clicker Heroes - Page 39 (156) Originally Posted by PendulousClicker Heroes - Page 39 (157)

    I'm confused you can get 15 ancient souls if you only just made it to level 370. Ancient souls you get when you transcend are based on how many regular souls you give up, and just getting to 9 ancient souls requires millions of souls given up. Maybe it continues to go up based on the total you've gotten, not just since that transcend?

    M-millions? Maybe I'm misreading?

    Clicker Heroes - Page 39 (158)

    It certainly doesn't LOOK like I have a lot of Hero Souls...

    Clicker Heroes - Page 39 (159) Originally Posted by PendulousClicker Heroes - Page 39 (160)

    From what I remember, around 10 points in Xyliquil (idle bonus), one point in Phandoryss (transcendent power bonus), a sh*tton of points in Ponyboy for more souls, and a bit in Chor'gorloth to reduce ancient costs.

    Hmmmm I see.

    Clicker Heroes - Page 39 (161)

  15. 2017-03-04,03:19 AM#775

    Fluffy KittenClicker Heroes - Page 39 (168)

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    Yeah, must be cumulative across all games, even beyond transcendence. Especially since I just transcended and my first one needs 21 million souls.

    Clicker Heroes - Page 39 (170)

  16. 2017-03-04,10:02 AM#776

    Clicker Heroes - Page 39 (178) Originally Posted by BlueobeliskClicker Heroes - Page 39 (179)

    M-millions? Maybe I'm misreading?

    This game gets out of hand. I currently get hundreds of trillions of souls - per boss. Still grinding out the ancient souls over several ascensions lol.

    Personal favourite outsider is chor. Well, in time you will come to appreciate it. Kumawakamaru too expensive and saves you so much time. Getting to 5000+ takes like 4-5 hours even with a smooth ride without this ancient. Chor also has a somewhat hilarious synergy with morgulis.

    The whole problem with the world is that fools and fanatics are always so certain of themselves, but wiser people so full of doubts.

  17. 2017-03-04,11:21 PM#777

    Honorary PvM "Mod"Clicker Heroes - Page 39 (186)

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    I'm at about 100m hero souls per ascension, with around a billion invested overall, though there doesn't appear to be a stat for it anywhere.

    I have 44 Ancient Souls and this transcendance alone I have invested 1.791e8 (179m). 878 days played.

    Does anyone know - I started when it was just a simple flash game that had no saving feature (except for saving to disk) - how easily can I transfer to, say, Steam...?

  18. 2017-03-05,12:23 AM#778

    MechagnomeClicker Heroes - Page 39 (194)

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    I started on browser after seeing this thread on mmo champ. I'm now playing that same game on Steam (and literally have it open right now). When you click on save, it will automatically put the text to your clipboard (ctrl c) which makes using online calculators very simple. You then click on import (on steam) and put that text there. And ta da, you now have your browser progress on Steam.

    I'd actually stopped clicker heroes for several months, I'd outgrown it. Then it got added to Steam and I wanted to get 100% achievement completion for my steam achievement showcase (which was nullified when they added more achievements). I transferred over and a lot had changed. The best change for me is offline level progression. I dislike the change to ancients, I liked when they had level limits and being able to build around specific things such as skill cooldowns to maximise dark ritual and being able to reduce levels to 5 kills instead of 10 kills. I disliked initially that you could only get 25 rubies and 20 dark rituals per ascension, but I grew to like it as it encourages more gameplay through more frequent ascensions.

    Before I stopped playing, I had gotten to level 3984. My first transcension was scary, but the benefits eventually became quite clear. As of typing this, I'm sitting at level 3754 and still progressing. Total time played since first click - 880 days; and counting.

  19. 2017-03-05,01:38 AM#779

    To show sort of what kinda silly stats I have at this point in my idle adventures...

    Clicker Heroes - Page 39 (203)

    Clicker Heroes - Page 39 (204)

    Clicker Heroes - Page 39 (205)

    I play idle, but using the clicker ancients to boost 200-300 extra levels at the end of each Ascension, which can be worth a lot of extra HS (especially when Atman is at effective +59.92% of Primal Bosses). This just shows how silly the numbers get.
    The outsiders are a real game/number changer.

  20. 2017-03-05,06:20 PM#780

    Honorary PvM "Mod"Clicker Heroes - Page 39 (212)

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    That's just ridiculous!

    I'm still stuck on my second transcension with Moloch. I can't get past him - make enough gold.

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