Fatalis | Monster Hunter World Wiki (2024)


Fatalis | Monster Hunter World Wiki (1)
Enemy Type Large Monsters
Species Elder Dragon
Elements Fatalis | Monster Hunter World Wiki (2)Fire
Ailments Fatalis | Monster Hunter World Wiki (3)Fireblight
Weakness Fatalis | Monster Hunter World Wiki (4)Dragon(⭐⭐⭐)
Fatalis | Monster Hunter World Wiki (5)Fire(⭐⭐)
Resistances Fatalis | Monster Hunter World Wiki (6)Water(⭐)
Fatalis | Monster Hunter World Wiki (7)Thunder(⭐)
Fatalis | Monster Hunter World Wiki (8)Ice(⭐)
Location(s) Castle Schrade
Tempered Lv. --

Fatalis(Black Dragon) is aLarge Monster in Monster Hunter World (MHW). 黒龍ミラボレアス (Miraboreasu) in Japanese.Found haunting Castle Schrade, Fatalis takes center stage in quests like The Black Dragon and Fade to Black. Survival against this foe relies on unraveling its enigmas, using cannons and ballistae wisely, and targeting its imposing horns to endure its deadly final form's breath attack. With a solo HP of around 66,000, Fatalis becomes an even more daunting adversary in multiplayer, boasting 114,949 for duos and a staggering 171,600 for groups of three or four players.

A legendary black dragon known only as Fatalis. Rumored to have destroyed a kingdom in a single night, and has taken its castle for a roost. As Long as its horns are intact, overcoming its final form's breath attack may be impossible. Cannons and ballistae can topple it. Flinch shots when its flying or standing will lower its head.

Fatalis Details & Locations

  • Found in: Castle Schrade
  • Target of Quests: The Black Dragon, Fade to Black
  • Is hostileon sight.
  • Attacks other monsters: N/A
  • Small Monsters version: N/A
  • Size: 4137.17cm (fixed size)
  • Species: Elder Dragons
  • HP: ~66,000(Solo), ~114,949(Duo), ~171,600(3 or 4 players)

Fatalis Combat Info

  • Immuneto Fatalis | Monster Hunter World Wiki (9)Stun.
  • Kinsect Extracts:
    • Red: Head (1)
    • Orange: Forearms (3)
    • White: Hindlegs (2)
    • Green: Tail

Fatalis Combat Guide

Facing the legendary black dragon, Fatalis, demands a keen understanding of its strengths and vulnerabilities. Being immune to stun, Fatalis requires a strategic approach, and hunters should focus on specific areas, such as the head (Red), forearms (Orange), hindlegs (White), and tail (Green), to maximize damage.

The battle with Fatalis unfolds in distinct phases, each marked by devastating nova attacks. The initial nova occurs when Fatalis loses around 22% of its health, prompting hunters to seek shelter. Subsequent novas, triggered at different health thresholds, demand strategic positioning and evasive maneuvers. After the second nova, Fatalis enters its third phase, intensifying its attacks and gaining a glowing chest, indicating increased danger.

Prioritizing the breaking of Fatalis's head is crucial to weaken its attacks in the third phase. The arena provides numerous siege weapons, including cannons, ballistae, a roaming ballista, and the Dragonator. Coordinated use of these resources, along with Heavy Artillery to boost siege weapon damage, can create crucial openings for sustained attacks. Knocking down Fatalis up to two times is achievable through substantial damage from siege weapons.

The Dragonator, a potent tool in the arena, deals damage equivalent to 5% of Fatalis's total health with each use. Flinch shotting Fatalis when it stands on two feet causes it to go down on all fours, enabling efficient wall slams. Dragon Pods play a pivotal role in disrupting Fatalis's attacks, causing a flinch and interruption with every second shot.

In the third phase, Fatalis introduces a pinning attack, pinning a player to its chest. Teammates can use Dragon Pods to flinch Fatalis and release the pinned player, highlighting the importance of teamwork. Additionally, hunters must be cautious of Fatalis's anti-clutch-claw mechanism, triggering a punishing move if the hunter clutches during a brief opening.

Surviving Fatalis's relentless onslaught requires a well-prepared endgame setup. Recommended skills include Health Boost, Divine Blessing, Fire Resistance, Blight Resistance, Coalescence, Agitator, and Partbreaker. Strategic timings for binders and Roaming Ballista shots, along with various tactics like cone-baiting, smoke hiding, and canteen food skills, offer hunters diverse approaches to conquer this formidable foe. While a dedicated healer with Wide-Range may aid less experienced groups, maintaining a balance in damage output is essential to avoid time limits or reaching Phase 3 without breaking Fatalis's horns.

Fatalis Combat Tips

  • You can fight Fatalis after you've completed the Iceborne storyline (MR24), discovered the Guiding Lands, encountered Safi'jiiva and encountered Alatreon.
  • You will unlock this quest by first talking to the Excitable A-Lister near the start of Seliana. This will take you on a quest to defeat anAlatreon with much less health than normal. After you have defeated Alatreon, you will obtain the quest "The Black Dragon" as a special assignment.
  • The Special Assignment version of the quest allows for up to 5 carts, the Event Quest version (Fade to Black) only for up to 3.
  • First Nova: Fatalis will dothe firstarea wide flame breath after losing about 22% of his health. You can only hide from this in a shelter on theright side of the arena, which is the same area you ran to with your NPC companion during the solo cutscene. After this nova the back of the arena will be unlocked, which includes multiple more siege weapons.
  • Second Nova: Performed after losing50% of his health. You can only survivethis one by running at the gate in the back of the arena and pulling the lever before the big flame comes out. Fatalis will enter his 3rd and final phase after this one.
  • Third/Fourth/Fifth Nova: Performed when Fatalis has 38%/20%/5% health left. You need to run towards Fatalis in order to avoid it. Since the Nova is cone shaped, it is recommended to run towards the sides rather than the center to get out of it faster.
  • After the second Nova, Fatalis will have a glowing chest. During this phase he gains new attacks (of which one can pin you) and all of his attacksbecome much more dangerous.
  • BreakingFatalis's head once will weaken the attacks in the 3rd phase. Breaking it twice will reduce the damage even more(back to the same damagefrom phase 1 and 2).
  • The arena for the fight has multiple siege weapons, including threecannons, two ballistae, a roaming ballista and the Dragonator. There are alsotwo one-shot binders (one near the wall behind the roaming ballista and the other one behind the ballista on the opposite side of the arena) that can be used to restrain Fatalis. Note that Fatalis tends to focus any player trying to operate siege weaponry.
  • Fatalis will be knocked down up to two times if he receivedenough damage through siege weapons. Thefirst knockdown willhappen after 1000 damage, the second one after 3000 damage. Heavy Artillerywill increase the damage from siege weapons making it easier to knock down Fatalis with the siege weapons.
  • Each head of the Dragonator will dealdamage equivalent to 5% ofFatalis's total health. Note that the Dragonatorhitbox is much bigger than it looks.
  • Flinch shotting Fatalis when he'sstanding on two feet will cause him to go down on all fours. Only in this position Fatalis can be wall-slammed.
  • Every second Dragon Pod shot on Fatalis will make him flinch and interrupt his current attack. Fatalis will naturally drop dragon pods throughout the hunt, but you can also make him drop them through clutch attacks.
  • Starting from Phase 3 (after the 2nd nova), Fatalis can perform a pinning attack that pins a player on its chest. Since it's a deadly move and cannotbe escaped once a player gets pinned. It is suggested that the teammates use Dragon Pods to flinch Fatalis and let it release the pinned player.
  • Fatalis has an anti-clutch-claw mechanism. If Fatalis is standing on its two legs and the hunter clutches onto it during an opening that's too short, it may perform a lying-down punishment move that pins the hunter onto the ground. This move comes with a very short opening afterward, so the hunters might very likely get carted by the next attack. If the hunter has Dragon Pods on them, it's recommended to use them to stagger Fatalis when getting pinned. The lying-down pinning move can also be triggered by doing enough damage to its chest, but if not triggered by clutch claw punishment, it will give a longer opening afterward to allow the hunter to escape the next attack.
  • Because Fatalis is the hardest fight in the game, it is not recommended to tackle it until you have access to a fully optimized endgame setup, if possible with health augment for melee weapons (only unlocked after MR100 for R12 weapons).

Recommended Skills

  • Health Boost:Fatalis hits extremely hard and several of his attacks can even one shot melee players.
  • Divine Blessing:See above.
  • Fire Resistance:Almost all of his attacks are fire based andinflict Fireblight.
  • Blight Resistance:Use Blight Resistance if Fire Resistance of 20 or above is not possible for your build.
  • Coalescence:An almost guaranteed damage boost provided you aren't immune to Fireblight.
  • Agitator:Fatalis stays enraged rather long, so this is a good damage boost.
  • Partbreaker:Makes it easier to break his head.
  • Heavy Artillery:Increases the damage dealt with ballistae and cannons.

Popular Strategies

  • Cannon opening:Recommended only for players unexperienced in the fight. In the beginning of the hunt, put on Ghilie Mantle, enter the battle field, fully load the two cannons on the platform, push them rightward (the left one twice, the right one once), and then fire the cannon toward Fatalis (the right one first, and then the left one). Ghilie Mantle expires as soon as the cannon is fired, so the player needs to slot Heavy Artillery 2 on the main armors. This strategy will knockdown Fatalis and offer a long opening for the player to attack the head. It's not generally a good strategy since loading cannon balls takes time, Fatalis is not enraged so cannot activate Agitator, and the players need to do tenderization during the precious opening.
  • Roaming Ballista knockdown: Right after the 1st nova (the beginning of phase 2), run to the Roaming Ballista and use Smoke Bomb to hide, wait for Fatalis landing, put on Temporal Mantle with Heavy Artillery 2 on it, and then shoot Fatalis' chest. If the hunt didn't start with cannon opening,this should be able to knock it down (if not, some following shots of normal ballista will do), and offer an opening to break the head. A variation of the strategy is to use cannon opening with cannon ballsless than the knockdown threshold, and then use Roaming Ballista to knock it down in just a few shots, so that the remaining shots can go to its head. Whichever version being used, it's better that Fatalis' head and chest are tenderized at the end of Phase 1.
  • Binders: It's generally suggested not to use binders until Phase 3 (after the 2nd nova), since Fatalis is more aggressivefrom then on. A popular timing for the 1st binder is right after the 2nd nova, when Fatalis is by default flying, and a binder can take it down and give the players an opening to break the head. However, the player needs to roll-dodge the opening roar of Phase 3, or use Smoke Bomb to hide from Fatalis, or the player will be very vulnerable when trying to use the binder. When to use the 2nd binder depends on the hunt. It can be used immediately after the 1st one if the head hasn't been broken, or used when Fatalis tries to fly.
  • Cone-baiting: Cone fire is a move that offers a precious opening for attacking the head. Experienced players often try to bait this move by standing at a distance in front of Fatalis. It's easier when soloing and without the Palico.
  • Smoke hiding: Smoke Bomb make Fatalis lose track of you and perform a "looking for target" animation, which is a useful opening for attacking the chest. It also forces Fatalis to land when it's flying, if all the players smoke hide. Notably, the timing of smoke hiding is quite tricky, and a totally hidden group might trigger Fatalis' strong roar when it sees the players again.
  • Canteen food skills: Normally, it's suggested to get Felyne Safeguard and Felyne Insurance for this fight, especially in multiplayer hunts.
  • Wide-range healer: For a group with unexperienced players, a healer using Wide Range might save the group. However, note that a dedicated healer might significantly lower the damage output of the whole party, and thus increase the risk of a Phase 3 without horn break, or the hunt reaching the time limit. SnS is the popular choice of weapon for a healer, since the player can drink potion without sheathing the weapon by using the radial menu.

Fatalis Weaknesses

Each ⭐star shown below represents more weakness to each ailment

Weakness Level N/A

Each ⭐star shown below represents more weakness to each damage type

Weak Point
Head (Breakable) ⭐⭐⭐ ⭐⭐⭐ ⭐⭐
Chest (Breakable) ⭐⭐ ⭐⭐ ⭐⭐

Detailed weakness information(Legend Explanation:here)

Credits toAsteriskAmpersand, Deathcream and MoonBunnie.

Fatalis Rewards

Defeating this monster allows the player to carve the following items:

Fatalis Carves

Carves %
Fatalis Shard 29%
Fatalis Cortex 22%
Fatalis Pectus 17%
Fatalis Hardhorn 13%
Fatalis Fellwing 12%
Fatalis Evil Eye 7%
Fatalis Hardhorn (Break Horn, first head break) 100%
Fatalis Evil Eye (Break Eye, second head break) 100%
Fatalis Fellwing (Break Wing) 100%
Fatalis Pectus (Break Chest) 100%

Fatalis Rewards

Rewards %
Fatalis Shard (Drop) 50%
Fatalis Pectus (Drop) 28%
Old Dragon Treasure (Drop) 22%
Fatalis Cortex 33%
Fatalis Shard 27%
Fatalis Pectus 19%
Fatalis Fellwing 12%
Fatalis Hardhorn 9%

Fatalis Weapons & Armor

Armor and Weapons related to the Fatalis Monster.


  • Fatalis Blade
  • Black Fatalis Blade
  • Fatalis Sword
  • True Fatalis Sword
  • Fatalis Buster
  • Fatalis Demolisher
  • Fatalis Lance
  • True Fatalis Lance
  • Fatalis End
  • True Fatalis End
  • Fatalis Glaive
  • True Fatalis Dyaus
  • Vor Cannon
  • Vor Buster
  • Fatalis Pit
  • Fatalis Depth
  • Fatalis Charger
  • True Fatalis Charger
  • Fatalis Gunlance
  • True Fatalis Gunlance
  • Fatalis Menace
  • Fatalis Menace Wailer
  • Fatalis Dual Blades
  • Fatalis Dual Skies
  • Fatalis Fickle
  • Fatalis Zaggespanon


Fatalis | Monster Hunter World Wiki (47)

Fatalis Alpha + Armor

Fatalis | Monster Hunter World Wiki (48)

Fatalis Beta + Armor

Fatalis | Monster Hunter World Wiki (49)

Fatalis Set Alpha +

Notes & Trivia

  • It is known as the "Black Dragon".
  • This is the final monster added to Monster Hunter World: Iceborne.
  • Fatalis was the final online boss for the first Monster Hunter game on the Playstation 2.
  • Monster Hunter World: Iceborne marks the first game in the Monster Hunter series whereFatalis has a proper UI icon; it was previously only signified with a question mark.
  • According to legend, the kingdom of Schrade was felled byone Fatalis.
  • Many consider Fatalis as the lord of all monsters for its power and intelligence.
  • Fatalis' MHWI render was taken from the Monster Hunter 15th Anniversary poster.

Fatalis render.

Fatalis icon.

Large Monsters

Acidic GlavenusAlatreonAncient LeshenAnjanathAzure RathalosBanbaroBariothBarrothBazelgeuseBehemothBeotodusBlack DiablosBlackveil Vaal HazakBrachydiosBrute TigrexCoral Pukei-PukeiDeviljhoDiablosDodogamaEbony OdogaronFrostfang BariothFulgur AnjanathFurious RajangGlavenusGold RathianGreat GirrosGreat JagrasJyuratodusKirinKulu-Ya-KuKulve TarothKushala DaoraLavasiothLegianaLeshenLunastraNamielleNargacugaNergiganteNightshade PaolumuOdogaronPaolumuPink RathianPukei-PukeiRadobaanRaging BrachydiosRajangRathalosRathianRuiner NergiganteSafi'jiivaSavage DeviljhoScarred Yian GarugaSeething BazelgeuseShara IshvaldaShrieking LegianaSilver RathalosStygian ZinogreTeostraTigrexTobi-KadachiTzitzi-Ya-KuUragaanVaal HazakVelkhanaViper Tobi-KadachiXeno'jiivaYian GarugaZinogreZorah Magdaros

Fatalis | Monster Hunter World Wiki (2024)
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