Shara Ishvalda | Monster Hunter World Wiki (2024)

Shara Ishvalda

Shara Ishvalda | Monster Hunter World Wiki (1)
Enemy Type Large Monsters
Species Elder Dragons
Elements None
Ailments Stun
Weakness Shara Ishvalda | Monster Hunter World Wiki (3)Ice⭐⭐⭐
Shara Ishvalda | Monster Hunter World Wiki (4)Water⭐⭐
Resistances Shara Ishvalda | Monster Hunter World Wiki (5)Fire
Shara Ishvalda | Monster Hunter World Wiki (6)Dragon
Shara Ishvalda | Monster Hunter World Wiki (7)Thunder(immune)
Location(s) Origin Isle
Tempered Lv. None

Shara Ishvalda is aLarge Monster in Monster Hunter World (MHW). アン・イシュワルダ (地啼龍) in Japanese. It was added with the Iceborne Expansion on Sept. 6th, 2019 and acts as its final boss.

A mysterious elder dragon able to manipulate the earth itself. Vibrations from its wingtips reshape the earth, denying hunters footing.

Shara Ishvalda Details & Locations

  • Found in: Origin Isle
  • Target of Quests: Paean of Guidance, after completion, optional questFaraway Lorelei appears randomly for 2 quests. Special Event Quest The Naked Truth.
  • Is hostile when approached.
  • Size: 2910.91 ~ 2910.91
  • Species: Elder Dragons
  • HP: ~37630(Solo), ~63,388(Duo), ~94,605(3 or 4 players)

Shara Ishvalda Combat Info

Kinsect Extracts:

  • Red: Head/Wings
  • Orange: Torso/Tail
  • White: Legs
  • Both stages can be mounted.
  • You can use your Clutch Claw to latch onto its head and knock it into the rocks traps(trap icons on mini map) to deal massive damage.
  • After it is freed, avoid being in front of it, and make good use of your Temporal Mantle, Health Booster or Vitality Mantle.
  • Bring Lifepowder or use the skill Wide-Range so you might heal your allies.
  • Stun Resistance is helpful during this fight.
  • You can obtain Shiny Drops by attacking and breaking its legs, head and chest.
  • Hunters must begin by stripping their sturdy rock armor: bombs and falling rocks are two proven methods. Skills to counter tremors are a boon against its wingtip attacks.

Armored form: Very slow, but immensely strong.

  • Be careful when standing underneath it, as it will occasionally jump to crush any hunters underfoot.
  • It will swipe at hunters with its wings, or use them as clubs to pound the ground.
  • It will sometimes burrow its body underground, exposing only its back, head, and wings. When this happens everyone should stay directly in front of it's face which is 90% safe from all its attacks in this mode.
  • It will also rake its wingtips from one side of the arena to the other, for 1 to 3 times. If you are up close attacking, and it starts to move backwards, it is about to use the "plow" move.
  • It can also create pools of sand around itself with its wingtips.

Unarmored form: Faster, and heavily relies on using its wings to attack with vibrated air.

  • It will continue to use its wings as melee weapons, along with the occasional bite.
  • It can shoot a single beam of air at a time, or multiple using all of its wingtips.
  • It can shoot a massive beam of air by centering its wingtips in front of its face.
  • Occasionally, it will burrow to the edge of the arena,create a large sphere of air,then launch it towards the center of the arena as a wide-scale AOE attack.
  • The pools of sand it creates resonate with it's sound/air attacks and explode after one of them touches it.

Shara Ishvalda MH World Combat Tips

A compilation of recommended Combat Tips and Items from the community and other Hunters:

  • The Naked Truth:Players can consider doingThe Naked Truth Event Quest at the same time since your objective is to Slay the Shara Ishvalda.Her higher health pool during this quest increases the chances of you being able to get the Scalp break before damaging her too much and killing her instead. However, this added health pool and damage boost will also give an increased challenge.
  • Avoid using Lance or Gunlance weapons as this will pose more of a challenge during the second phase when going against the laser attacks.
  • Ice Weapons: When considering Elemental equipment, note that theShara Ishvald is weakest against Ice and is Immune to Water
  • Farcaster: You need to change restock your potions or change your weapon if you are in the final story quest.
  • Partbreaker: Good for severing large monster parts. Will be especially helpful during theShara Ishvalda Rock phase.
  • Rocksteady Mantle:Eliminates damage reactions, prevents wind effects, protects your hearing, and grants tremor resistance. You also receive less damage from attacks. Be careful with thistoolin the second phase and avoid second-phase attacks. Getting caught in this attack will easily make you faint.
  • Torch Pod: These are provided at the start of the match and can be used for the fight.
  • Poison Smoke Bomb: (Use it when hesheds his shell.) he has a few moves that make him stationary and he has a huge HP pool.
  • Mega Barrel Bomb:Place it at his hind leg and denote it with a barrel bomb
  • Tremor Resistance:Grants protection against ground tremors which will be plentiful this fight.
  • Use a Health Boost to compensate for her high-damage hits
  • Use Damage Up and Crit Boost to maximize damage as much as possible, since players tend to run out of time during Combat even when hold up well.
  • Position: Position yourself to either side in between attacks and run in only when you see an opening. His behind is the safest but least damaging position. You can also remain at its underbelly. For the most valuable loot, focus all your attacks on its scalp.
  • Mount: Though it is difficult, it is possible to Mount theShara Ishvalda. You'll need to cling on to him while mounting him.
  • Use Environment: There are rocks and boulders in the arena that can be knocked on theShara Ishvalda. This will successfully knock him down while dealing a great amount of damage. This is most effective once you have softened his hide.
  • During her ranged bomb attacks in Phase 2, you will need to stay at the edge of the arena. This is also where you can useFarcaster.

Shara Ishvalda has three phases in his fight starting with the Rock covered phase. Those who want to get a scalp break will focus their heavy attacks on its face. Though the back of theShara Ishvalda is the safest spot, it is also the spot that does the least damage when attacked. Players also generally are pressed for time when facing theShara Ishvalda, but this is also a goo position to get behind his hindlegs so you can tenderize this part while keeping close to theShara Ishvalda. The Underbelly also does a decent amount of damage if you are not so focused on getting the Scalp break. To quickly and most efficiently get this carve done, all Hunters in the party will need to focus their attacks on the head of theShara Ishvalda for the highest chance at breaking it twice with Partbreaker to break away the Rocks in the first phase. Try to get this done in the first phase as much as possible since the danger around his head will increase during phase 2.

In Phase 2, you will need to watch for when to steer clear of his head area, since he has a new last beam attack. To continue your attacks on its head, keep to the side or clutch onto it from the side until his laser attack begins.

Overall, you will need to watch the ground for his next moves and to watch out for sand puddles. Focus on getting a break and knocking it over to optimize all your attacks and its damage intake.

Shara Ishvalda MH World Easy Hunt

  • Make sure to eat at the canteen before going into this quest or Farcaster to do so.
  • For Shara Ishvalda's rock form, make sure to wall slam it twice into the falling wall trap. This can be easily set up by standing by it to lure Shara to it. You can also trigger the trap using bombs.
  • When Shara Ishvalda sheds its rock armor, you can stay on its rear, using clutch claw to weaken it. Just keep attacking the rear portion of its body and you should be very safe.
  • In the rockless state there will be 3 wall traps to slam Shara Ishvalda into, but if Shara Ishvalda triggers them (shoots with air) they will not deal damage to it. Again you can trigger these traps using bombs but make sure Shara is close enough.

Going for the Scalp Break Shara Ishvalda

  • You need two Shara Ishvalda Tenderplates (and one gem) for every Shara-Ishvalda weapon, which are good for mid-tier Master Rank. Obtaining the Tenderplate can be difficult as it can't be carved from its corpse
  • Shara Ishvalda's head can be broken twice to get the Scalp to drop. Carving the Scalp will give you two Tenderplate
  • To avoid killing Shara Ishvalda before you get the Scalp to drop, you need to go for the head as much as possible
    • Partbreaker 3 is a must have, as it will decrease the overall damage you need to deal to the head
    • A Great Sword is a very good choice, as it has a long reach, high damage and a hidden Partbreaker bonus on the Charged Slashes. The Beo Slasher II is a good choice, as it will deal decent damage without charms or gems and is relatively easy to craft.
  • In Phase two (Closed Eyes), go for the head exclusively. If done right, you can get the scalp before phase three starts.
    • Tenderize the head as soon as possible with a grappled attack. Keep it tenderized at all times.
    • Shara Ishvalda leaves its head usually open after every attack. Put priority on avoiding its attacks by sprinting and go for draw attacks on the head. Avoid hitting anything else.
    • Some of its attacks will leave Shara Ishvalda's head unprotected for longer, letting you get a Strong Charge Slash in. Don't go for a True Charge Slashor Shara Ishvalda will hit you.
    • Using the slinger burst to slam Shara Ishvalda into a wall will count as damage to the head.
  • If Phase three (Eyes open) starts and you haven't broken the Head twice yet, go for the Front legs.
    • Breaking either one of the front legs will knock Shara Ishvalda down long enough to get a True Charge Slash on its head. Use this to finally break the scalp off.
  • Aiming to break Shara Ishvalda's head can result in a very drawn out fight.
    • Three pieces of Tigrex Armor allow you to stack three Free Meals, greatly increasing your healing supplies.
    • Carry a Farcaster to return to your camp if you ever run low on supplies.
    • Bring Dash Juice, as you will do a lot of sprinting.
    • Health Boost 3 is pretty good considering Shara Ishvalda's extreme damage output can easily twoshot you without it.
    • As soon as the scalp breaks, your first priority should be to carve it. Beam attacks are a great opportunity to go in for the carve.

Shara Ishvalda Weaknesses

Each ⭐star shown below represents more weakness to each ailment

Weakness Level ⭐⭐ X

⭐⭐⭐ (armored)

⭐⭐ (unarmored)

Each ⭐star shown below represents more weakness to each damage type

Weak Point

⭐⭐ (armored)

⭐⭐⭐ (unarmored)

⭐⭐ (armored)

⭐⭐⭐ (unarmored)

⭐⭐⭐ (armored)

⭐⭐ (unarmored)

Forelegs (Breakable) ⭐⭐ ⭐⭐ ⭐⭐
Wings (Breakable)

⭐⭐⭐ (armored)

⭐⭐ (unarmored)

⭐⭐⭐ (armored)

⭐⭐ (unarmored)

⭐⭐⭐ (armored)

⭐⭐⭐ (unarmored)

Detailed weakness information(Legend Explanation:here)

Credits toAsteriskAmpersand, Deathcream and MoonBunnie.

Shara Ishvalda Low and High Rank Carves

Defeating this monster allows the player to carve the following items:

Shara Ishvalda Carves (All Master Rank)

Carves Frequency %
Shara Ishvalda Tenderscale ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ 33%
Shara Ishvalda Boulderplate ⭐⭐⭐⭐ 27%
Shara Ishvalda | Monster Hunter World Wiki (19)Shara Ishvalda Petalstone (Dropped) ⭐⭐⭐⭐ 21% (50%)
Shara Ishvalda | Monster Hunter World Wiki (20)Shara Ishvalda Tenderclaw(Dropped) ⭐⭐⭐ 15% (28%)
Shara Ishvalda | Monster Hunter World Wiki (21)Shara Ishvalda Tenderplate 50% from broken Scalp only
Shara Ishvalda Gem 5%, 50% from broken Scalp

Shara Ishvalda Rewards (All Master Rank)

Rewards Frequency %
Shara Ishvalda Boulderplate(Break Rock legs) ⭐⭐⭐⭐ 24% (70%)
Shara Ishvalda Tenderscale(Break Head/Forelegs) ⭐⭐⭐⭐ 32% (64% / 30%)
Shara Ishvalda | Monster Hunter World Wiki (25)Shara Ishvalda Petalstone (Break Rock legs) ⭐⭐⭐ 18% (70%)
Shara Ishvalda | Monster Hunter World Wiki (26)Shara Ishvalda Tenderclaw (Break Wings) ⭐⭐⭐ 13% (70%)
Large Elder Dragon Bone ⭐⭐ 9%
Pure Dragon Blood ⭐⭐ 9%
Shara Ishvalda Gem 2%

Shara Ishvalda Weapons & Armor

Armor and Weapons related to the Shara Ishvalda Monster. These are unconfirmed and pre-release information for now!


  • Winged Seraphyd
  • Don Monstro
  • Immovable Dharma
  • Noble Ana Palas
  • Manifested Lotus
  • Bazel Bombers
  • Untouched Hel
  • Boundless Farsight
  • Reverent Elusarca
  • Bazel Prozio Rooksearer
  • Radiant Flow
  • Black Tornaria
  • Victorious Northlein
  • Pandemonium Unleashed
  • Dawning Tranquility
  • Austere Paradise
  • Knightly Ectis
  • Love's End
  • Unblinking Gatekeeper
  • Bazel Rocket Rooksearer
  • Broken Silence
  • Evanescent Glow
  • Inescapable Karma
  • Infinite Wisdom
  • Dawning Insight
  • Fading Blossom
  • Solemn Reflection


Shara Ishvalda Alpha + Armor Set

Set Bonus: Shara Ishvalda Divinity

Shara Ishvalda | Monster Hunter World Wiki (58)

Shara Ishvalda Beta + Armor Set

Set Bonus: Shara Ishvalda Divinity

Shara Ishvalda | Monster Hunter World Wiki (60)

Notes & Trivia

  • It is known as the "Earth Singing Dragon" or "Old Everwyrm".
  • It is the first large monster to have the "Switch Display" option in its Hunter's Notes entry.
    • It is the first monster to have an alternate form for its Physiology and Rewards pages.
  • When its eyes open, they appear to track the camera instead of the hunter. The reason for this, as theorised by fans, is that Shara stares directly into the soul of a hunter, which is actually the player controlling the hunter, making this a fourth wall break. Also, when fighting it in multiplayer, every player perceives the eyes tracking them, disregarding anyone else.
    • The eyes aren't actually coded to track the camera. The effect is achieved via hollow-face illusion, due to the eyeballs being concave.
  • Despite the Hunter's Notes not marking thewings as breakable in its unarmored form, they still are breakable; they're just harder to hit properly.

Shara Ishvalda (armored) render.

Shara Ishvalda icon.

Shara Ishvalda (unarmored) render.

Large Monsters

Acidic GlavenusAlatreonAncient LeshenAnjanathAzure RathalosBanbaroBariothBarrothBazelgeuseBehemothBeotodusBlack DiablosBlackveil Vaal HazakBrachydiosBrute TigrexCoral Pukei-PukeiDeviljhoDiablosDodogamaEbony OdogaronFatalisFrostfang BariothFulgur AnjanathFurious RajangGlavenusGold RathianGreat GirrosGreat JagrasJyuratodusKirinKulu-Ya-KuKulve TarothKushala DaoraLavasiothLegianaLeshenLunastraNamielleNargacugaNergiganteNightshade PaolumuOdogaronPaolumuPink RathianPukei-PukeiRadobaanRaging BrachydiosRajangRathalosRathianRuiner NergiganteSafi'jiivaSavage DeviljhoScarred Yian GarugaSeething BazelgeuseShrieking LegianaSilver RathalosStygian ZinogreTeostraTigrexTobi-KadachiTzitzi-Ya-KuUragaanVaal HazakVelkhanaViper Tobi-KadachiXeno'jiivaYian GarugaZinogreZorah Magdaros

Shara Ishvalda | Monster Hunter World Wiki (2024)
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